Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is a novel about the destructive love story between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff's, and how the former sought for...
Propaganda by Edward Bernays explores the idea of convincing people to want things they didn't need. The author coins the term ‘engineering of consent’...
From financing the railroad industry to organizing the United States Steel, General Electric, while trying his hand in many other sectors, J.P. Morgan rose...
The confessions of Saint Augustine is an autobiography and one of the most innovative and influential spirituality books. It was written when Saint Augustine...
An Autobiography Or The Story Of My Experiments With Truth by Mahatma Gandhi is an introduction to India’s nationalist and most complex historical figures. The...
The confessions of Saint Augustine is an autobiography and one of the most innovative and influential spirituality books. It was written when Saint Augustine...
Hannah Arendt Bluecher was a German-American political thinker and philosopher. She wrote numerous books on the topic of totalitarianism and epistemology, many of which...
Ray Bradbury is one of the few high-thinking and fantasy-based American authors. He turned down the title science fiction writer, asserting that every work...
Samuel Smiles is popularly known for his works in political reform and hugely-acclaimed writings. He initially had the perception that he could impact more...